Few Events at Ansh

The first party was initiated by Shan a long time ago with the motive of introducing all the employees to each other. The meet was a one of an experience and it marked the beginning of many more such outings. Shan works hard in making its employees happy and self motivated to work.

To welcome all the new employees in the team, Shan organized a welcome party. This get together was organized at home where-in all the new members introduced themselves and interacted with the team members on a personal note. These initiatives are done to make new employees comfortable and introduce them to our culture.

27th July is the birthday of our CEO, Mrs. Kamal Shama. This meet was initiated by the team members because they wanted to celebrate the birthday of their leader who is more like a friend to all. We all met, giggled, had delicious food and enjoyed a lot. Birthdays are just a reason but the motto behind these initiatives is to treat the team members for their hard work.

Our translators keep visiting us from abroad. Shan welcomes its associates and makes sure of their perfect hospitality. This time our Arabic translator planned to visit us. We did everything from making her meet Shan’s team, go street shopping and giving her a taste of local food. We ticked every single thing on her wish list.

10th January is the birthday of our SVP, Surbhee. The whole team met on this day to make it special for the most cheerful member of our team. Shan takes initiative to celebrate special days of the team members which helps in breaking the monotony of work and also helps the team members to gel well with each other.

The team at Ansh went for an overnight Picnic to Dehradun and stayed at Maldevta Farms. Staff and families went along and lots of activities including Swimming, nature walk, cricket, football and a host of army like exercises.
Over 30 people went from Delhi by bus, stayed overnight in tents and returned back to Delhi in the midst of storm.

The team at Ansh went for an overnight Picnic to Dehradun and stayed at Maldevta Farms. Staff and families went along and lots of activities including Swimming, nature walk, cricket, football and a host of army like exercises.
Over 30 people went from Delhi by bus, stayed overnight in tents and returned back to Delhi in the midst of storm.

Our founders' day party took place at one of the most famous restaurants in the bustling part of CP in Delhi. For the party, our chairman flew from Pune and paid a visit. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and greet all staff members and their families. And the cherry on top was a personalized gift distributed by our chairman to all staff members.

Our founders' day party took place at one of the most famous restaurants in the bustling part of CP in Delhi. For the party, our chairman flew from Pune and paid a visit. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and greet all staff members and their families. And the cherry on top was a personalized gift distributed by our chairman to all staff members.
The next milestone will be the ‘Dream Target’ which entitles a holiday in London.
‘Work hard and play harder’ now seems to be the plan of the company and its growing 40 member ALL WOMEN TEAM.
2021 was a difficult year with global pandemic disrupting life and livelihoods for many. Grim as the situation was, the human spirit across the globe refused to give up and we too played our part with pride and humility. We are proud to have our Ansh Family together supporting each other and surging ahead with performance and growth.
Words of Vikram (wordsofvikram.in) is our new associate company.
In 2017, the team achieved the ‘Super Target’ (after 8 years) and the directors went on an 8 day trip to Myanmar including Yangon, Bagan, Pindya, Inle and Mandalay.
In 2015 we touched our ‘Target Sale’ and to celebrate this achievement, the seniors holidayed in Singapore 2016 for 5 days.
We touch an unexpected sales target. This happens due to two very large orders in a single month. The first “Target Sales” is achieved and 3 staff are eligible for an all-expense paid trip to Singapore.
Our sales grows by 500% from the sales average of the past year. We are now a service tax registered company.
We celebrate the ‘Breakeven Target Sales’and also the 3rd Founders Day with all staff and their families.
We worked on creating a database of experienced translators and our search was on for clients too. On the other hand we tried to gain translation orders by making our presence on Internet through our website, www.ansh.com and registration on many business portals. On the 24th of March we received our first large order along with an advance payment. This was the time when we are thinking of winding up the company operations after 8 months of promotion and hardly any sale. This order took about 8 months to complete and lots of efforts were put in, being a large order. This enlightened a ray of hope within and we achieved to take few more orders in the same year.
AnshIntertrade (India) is formed and the first two staff are hired.The company was started with the owner who was in the business of International Trade and Media for over 19 years. We can never forget our first client Mr. Neeraj for trusting us with the first translation order for the language pair English to Tagalog.We would like to thank Mr. Akshay for sharing his office premises with us for our initial days of operationand Mr. Ajay for creative inputs to market our ideas. The first two people who joined Anshwere Ms. Neha and Ms. Indra.